5x7 Display
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
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EXPERIMENT-27 LED Dice with Sound-1
EXPERIMENT-28 LED Dice with Sound-2



EXPERIMENT-27 LED Dice with Sound-1

This experiment adds sound to the LED Dice experiment from Page 10. You should have already carried out the Piezo experiments from Piezo Experiments Page1 and Piezo Experiments Page2.
Adding sound to a project needs a little bit of thought. The micro cannot do two things at the same time unless they are multiplexed. In other words they have to be interleaved together so that the micro can jump from one routine to the other very quickly.
Essentially, the micro’s time is completely taken up by scanning the display in all the programs we have presented, and the same applies to creating a tone. There is however, a short delay in the heart of each routine where the micro can go to another routine, carry out a task and return before the delay needs to be ended.
In this way the micro can jump from one sub-routine to another and effectively carry out both operations.
The one thing that has to be remembered is TIMING. In other words the time-interval when the micro is being sent away to another routine, must be accurately worked-out. If not, the sound will not be the correct tone and/or the display will not have the same brightness overall.
In this experiment we have used the existing Scan routine to turn the piezo on and off by setting or clearing the piezo bit. We are just fortunate that the scan-rate is very similar to the tone-rate from a piezo experiment.
The only extra sub-routine we added was Face6B. It turns on the piezo when the “piezo-bit” (Bit 7 of file 1F) is SET.

<!-- //TODO FIX ME: 'cannot find file at images'-->

Experiment-27 for “5x7 Display” Project
;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
;LED Dice with Sound-1

Start   ORG 0x00
        BSF 03,5     ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports
        MOVLW 04h    ;Put 04 into W
        MOVWF 05h    ; to make RA2 input for button A
        MOVLW 00h    ;Put 00 into W
        MOVWF 06h    ;and make port 6 (port B) all output
        BCF 03,5     ;Go to page0 for programming
        MOVWF 1Ch
        BCF 1F,7     ;Bit for tone
        GOTO Main

Table1  ADDWF 02h,1  ;Add W to Program Counter
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 06h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 06h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 05h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 05h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 06h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 05h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 06h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 05h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 06h
        RETLW 07h
        RETLW 02h
        RETLW 03h
        RETLW 04h
        RETLW 05h
        RETLW 01h

Face1   MOVLW 00h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the first face
        MOVLW 08h
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 1Ch
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 08h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Face2   MOVLW 03h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the second face
        MOVLW 03h
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 60h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 60h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Face3   MOVLW 03h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the third face
        MOVLW 0Bh
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 1Ch
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 68h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 60h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Face4   MOVLW 63h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the fourth face
        MOVLW 63h
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 63h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 63h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Face5   MOVLW 63h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the fifth face
        MOVLW 6Bh
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 1Ch
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 6Bh
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 63h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Face6   BTFSS 1F,7
        GOTO Face6B
        MOVLW 0EBh   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h    ; files to produce the sixth face
        MOVLW 80h
        MOVWF 13h
Face6A  MOVLW 6Bh
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 6Bh
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 6Bh
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Face6B  MOVLW 6B      ;This sub-routine only allows the
        MOVWF 11h     ;tone to be produced
        MOVLW 00      ;when the final face6 appears on
        MOVWF 13h     ;the screen.
        GOTO Face6A

Scan    BSF 05,1      ;Reset 4017
        BCF 05,1
        MOVF 11h,0    ;Move file 11 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 13h,0    ;Move file 13 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 14h,0    ;Move file 14 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 15h,0    ;Move file 15 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD

DelD    DECFSZ 1Bh,1
        GOTO DelD
        MOVLW 00h     ;Zero port B to prevent mirroring
        MOVWF 06
        Clk BSF 05,0  ;Clock the 4017
        BCF 05,0

XX      MOVF 1Ch,0    ;Move 1C to W
        CALL Table1
        MOVWF 1Dh     ;Move W to 1D for decrementing
        DECFSZ 1Dh,1
        GOTO XX1
        MOVLW 00      ;Detects end of table
        MOVWF 1Ch     ;Zero 1C to start at top of table
        GOTO XX
XX1     DECFSZ 1Dh,1
        GOTO XX2
        GOTO Face1
XX2     DECFSZ 1Dh,1
        GOTO XX3
        GOTO Face2
XX3     DECFSZ 1Dh,1
        GOTO XX4
XX4     DECFSZ 1Dh,1
        GOTO XX5
        GOTO Face4
XX5     DECFSZ 1Dh,1
        GOTO Face6
        GOTO Face5

Main    MOVLW 30h     ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main1   CALL XX
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main1
        INCF 1C

        MOVLW 40h     ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main2   CALL XX       ;Display Face for 400mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main2
        INCF 1C

        MOVLW 50h     ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main3   CALL XX       ;Display Face for 500mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main3
        INCF 1C

        MOVLW 60h     ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main4   CALL XX       ;Display Face for 600mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main4
        INCF 1C

        MOVLW 70h     ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main5   CALL XX       ;Display Face for 700mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main5
        INCF 1C

Main6   BSF 1F,7
        CALL XX       ;Display until button A pressed
        BTFSS 05,2    ;Test for button A
        GOTO Main6
        BCF 1F,7
        GOTO Main


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-27. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-27.hex


EXPERIMENT-28 LED Dice with Sound-2

This is an extension of experiment 27. In this experiment we add sound as a separate sub-routine (called Tone) so you can see how to add it to your own programs. The display represents the face of a dice. The numbers flicker and change and come to rest on a random number. When the face shows “six,” the tone is produced. Press button “A” for the next “throw.”
The program is complete and runs satisfactorily but two areas need improvement.

  • A: The distribution of the numbers on the dice is not very even. This is controlled by three things.
    1. The number of faces being displayed during each operation (5 faces then the final face in this example) ,
    2. The number of elements in the table.
    3. The value at every sixth position (for example). Changing these three variables will alter the result on the display.
  • B: The tone produced by the piezo could be improved. This is determined by the ON/OFF time in the Tone routine and the number of cycles. Change these values to improve the tone.
    There are lots of extra features you can add to this program.
    The activation button can be changed to Button B or C,
    The number of faces displayed on the screen can be increased or decreased and the length of time they are displayed can be altered.
    A tone can be produced for each display, making it easy to know the final result, without watching the display.
    The display can automatically start after a pre-determined time, to speed-up the playing of a game,
    Whenever you make any changes to a program, make sure the previous program can be retrieved and only change or add a few instructions at a time.

Experiment-28 for “5x7 Display” Project
;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
;LED Dice with Sound-2

Start     ORG 0x00
          BSF 03,5    ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports
          MOVLW 04h   ;Put 04 into W
          MOVWF 05h   ; to make RA2 input for button A
          MOVLW 00h   ;Put 00 into W
          MOVWF 06h   ;and make port 6 (port B) all output
          BCF 03,5    ;Go to page0 for programming
          MOVWF 1Ch
          MOVWF 0Fh   ;Zero the number of cycles for Tone
          BCF 1F,7    ;Bit for tone
          GOTO Main

 able1    ADDWF 02h,1 ;Add W to Program Counter
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 06h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 06h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 05h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 05h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 06h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 05h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 06h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 05h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 06h
          RETLW 07h
          RETLW 02h
          RETLW 03h
          RETLW 04h
          RETLW 05h
          RETLW 06h
          RETLW 01h

Face1     MOVLW 00h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
          MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the first face
          MOVLW 08h
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVLW 1Ch
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVLW 08h
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVLW 00h
          MOVWF 15h
          GOTO Scan

Face2     MOVLW 03h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
          MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the second face
          MOVLW 03h
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVLW 00h
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVLW 60h
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVLW 60h
          MOVWF 15h
          GOTO Scan

Face3     MOVLW 03h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
          MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the third face
          MOVLW 0Bh
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVLW 1Ch
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVLW 68h
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVLW 60h
          MOVWF 15h
          GOTO Scan

Face4     MOVLW 63h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
          MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the fourth face
          MOVLW 63h
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVLW 00h
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVLW 63h
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVLW 63h
          MOVWF 15h
          GOTO Scan

Face5     MOVLW 63h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
          MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the fifth face
          MOVLW 6Bh
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVLW 1Ch
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVLW 6Bh
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVLW 63h
          MOVWF 15h
          GOTO Scan

Face6     BTFSC 1F,7
          GOTO Face6B
Face6A    MOVLW 6Bh   ;place the 5 values into the 5
          MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the sixth face
          MOVLW 6Bh
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVLW 00h
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVLW 6Bh
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVLW 6Bh
          MOVWF 15h
          GOTO Scan

Face6B    DECFSZ 0Fh,1   ;Decrement the tone cycles
          GOTO Face6C
          INCF 0Fh,1
          GOTO Face6A
Face6C    BSF 05,1       ;Reset 4017
          BCF 05,1
          MOVLW 6Bh ;
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL Tone
          MOVLW 6Bh ;
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL Tone
          MOVLW 00 ;
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL Tone
          MOVLW 6Bh ;
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL Tone
          MOVLW 6Bh ;
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL Tone

Tone      MOVLW 0Ah     ;The number of cycles
          MOVWF 0Dh
Tone1     MOVLW 60h     ;the ON and OFF time for the tone
          MOVWF 0Eh
          MOVLW 80h     ;Toggle the piezo line
          XORWF 06h,1
Tone2     DECFSZ 0Eh,1
          GOTO Tone2
          DECFSZ 0Dh,1
          GOTO Tone1
          GOTO Clk

Scan      BSF 05,1      ;Reset 4017
          BCF 05,1
          MOVF 11h,0    ;Move file 11 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 12h,0    ;Move file 12 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 13h,0    ;Move file 13 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 14h,0    ;Move file 14 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 15h,0    ;Move file 15 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD

 DelD     MOVLW 04h    ;A 2-file delay routine
          MOVWF 0Dh    ;to give sufficient time
DelE      DECFSZ 0Eh,1 ;for the tone routine
          GOTO DelE
          DECFSZ 0Dh,1
          GOTO DelE
          MOVLW 00h    ;Zero port B to prevent mirroring
          MOVWF 06
Clk       BSF 05,0     ;Clock the 4017
          BCF 05,0

XX        MOVF 1Ch,0   ;Move 1C to W
          CALL Table1
          MOVWF 1Dh    ;Move W to 1D for decrementing
          DECFSZ 1Dh,1
          GOTO XX1
          MOVLW 00     ;Detects end of table
          MOVWF 1Ch    ;Zero 1C to start at top of table
          GOTO XX
XX1       DECFSZ 1Dh,1
          GOTO XX2
          GOTO Face1
XX2       DECFSZ 1Dh,1
          GOTO XX3
          GOTO Face2
XX3       DECFSZ 1Dh,1
          GOTO XX4
          GOTO Face3
XX4       DECFSZ 1Dh,1
          GOTO XX5
          GOTO Face4
XX5       DECFSZ 1Dh,1
          GOTO Face6
          GOTO Face5

Main      BSF 0Fh,5   ;Set 32 cycles for tone
          MOVLW 05    ;5 faces before final face
          MOVWF 1E
Main1     MOVLW 10h
          MOVWF 0Ch
Main2     CALL XX
          DECFSZ 0Ch
          GOTO Main2
          INCF 1C,1
          DECFSZ 1Eh,1
          GOTO Main1
          BSF 1F,7   ;tone will only sound during final display
Main3     CALL XX    ;Display until button A pressed
          BTFSS 05,2 ;Test for button A
          GOTO Main3
          BCF 1Fh,7
          GOTO Main


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-28. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-28.hex


Go to the next page of experiments: 5x7 PIEZO EXPERIMENTS: Page-1

Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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