5x7 Display
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
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This experiment covers another sub-routine called WIPE-DOWN. It is very similar to WipeUp, except the effect is the reverse. The fully-lit screen gradually turns off from the top row to the bottom row.
In the program below, we have combined it with experiments 18 and 19 to get the 5-cell animation (fan-effect from right-hand corner), then WipeUp, then WipeDown.
You may thing our programs are very long, but you need to remember you are “talking directly to the microcontroller” with each of the instructions and each instruction can only ask one thing to be done.
If you introduce a HIGHER LEVEL language such as BASIC, or C or any language that requires a single line to perform a complex instruction, the language will have a set of instructions (just like ours) hidden away in a routine, so that the operation can be performed.
If you want to perform operations via a single line of code you can get a complete set of routines from our Library of Routines chapter. We have created sub-routines to toggles a line, produce a pulse, etc etc and these have been brought together in an enormous chapter.
Once you complete this project you will be able to advance to the next stage of programming, and these sub-routines will be very helpful.

Experiment-20 for “5x7 Display” Project
;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
5-cell animation with WipeUp and WipeDown.

Start   ORG 0x00
        BSF 03,5    ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports
        MOVLW 00h   ;Put 00 into W
        MOVWF 05h   ;to make port 5 (port A) all output
        MOVWF 06h   ;and make port 6 (port B) all output
        BCF 03,5    ;Go to page0 for programming
        GOTO Main

 Cell1  MOVLW 01h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the first cell
        MOVLW 01h   ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 01h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 01h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 01h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

 Cell2  MOVLW 08h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the second cell
        MOVLW 04h   ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 04h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 02h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 01h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

 Cell3  MOVLW 40h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the third cell
        MOVLW 20h   ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 08h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 04h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 01h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

 Cell4  MOVLW 00h  ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h  ; files to produce the fourth cell
        MOVLW 00h  ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 60h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 1Eh
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 01h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

 Cell5  MOVLW 00h   ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h   ; files to produce the fifth cell
        MOVLW 00h   ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 7Fh
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

 Scan   BSF 05,1    ;Reset 4017
        BCF 05,1
        MOVF 11h,0  ;Move file 11 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 12h,0  ;Move file 12 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 13h,0  ;Move file 13 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 14h,0  ;Move file 14 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 15h,0  ;Move file 15 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD

DelD    DECFSZ 1Bh,1
        GOTO DelD
        MOVLW 00h   ;Zero port B to prevent mirroring
        MOVWF 06
Clk     BSF 05,0     ;Clock the 4017
        BCF 05,0

WipeUp  MOVLW 0FFh
        MOVWF 11h
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVWF 15h
        MOVLW 80h
        MOVWF 0Ch
        GOTO YY
XX      RLF 11h,1
        BCF 11h,0
        RLF 12h,1
        BCF 12h,0
        RLF 13h,1
        BCF 13h,0
        RLF 14h,1
        BCF 14h,0
        RLF 15h,1
        BCF 15h,0
        BTFSS 15h,7
YY      DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO ZZ
        MOVLW 80h
        MOVWF 0Ch
        GOTO XX
ZZ      CALL Scan
        GOTO YY

WDown   MOVLW 0FFh
        MOVWF 11h
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVWF 15h
        MOVLW 80h
        MOVWF 0Ch
        GOTO BB
AA      RRF 11h,1
        BCF 11h,7
        RRF 12h,1
        BCF 12h,7
        RRF 13h,1
        BCF 13h,7
        RRF 14h,1
        BCF 14h,7
        RRF 15h,1
        BCF 15h,7
BB      DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO CC
        MOVLW 80h
        MOVWF 0Ch
        BTFSS 15h,0
        GOTO AA
CC      CALL Scan
        GOTO BB

Main    MOVLW 0F0h  ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main1   CALL Cell1  ;Display Cell 1 for 1/2 sec
        DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO Main1
        MOVLW 40h   ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main2   CALL Cell2  ;Display Cell 2 for 400mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO Main2
        MOVLW 30h   ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
 Main3  CALL Cell3  ;Display Cell 3 for 300mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO Main3
        MOVLW 20h   ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main4   CALL Cell4  ;Display Cell 4 for 200mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO Main4
        MOVLW 80h ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main5   CALL Cell5 ;Display Cell 5 for 800mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch,1
        GOTO Main5
        CALL WipeUp
        CALL WDown
        GOTO Main


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-20. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-20.hex



This is another sub-routine that can be incorporated into your own routines. It is called SLASH. The sub-routine puts a diagonal on the screen as shown in the diagram below. It takes 11 frames for the diagonal to pass from the bottom left-hand corner to the top right-hand corner. When this routine is incorporated in one of your own routines, you will already have Scan sub-routine in your program. To run “Slash,” add the Slash sub-routine and ShiftUp sub-routine and add CALL Slash

in the Main routine.

The speed of the routine is determined by the value loaded into file 0C. In our case the value is 20h. For a faster action, reduce this value. At 80h, the animation is four times slower than the program below. Here’s how the program works:
The first 7 instructions set up the ports as outputs. Port A (port 05) resets and clocks the 4017 shift-register. The first 5 outputs of the 4017 are connected to transistors and these sink the cathodes of each column of LEDs.
The 7 rows of LEDs are connected to port B (port 6) via small current limiting resistors and the 8th output of this port is connected to a piezo diaphragm.
The 8th instruction in the program sends the processor to Main where a loop is created for the “Slash” sub-routine.
At the Slash sub-routine the first instruction clears the carry bit (the CARRY FLAG). This is to prevent junk in the carry bit appearing on the screen when a shift instruction is executed.
The five files are loaded with zero and the first bit in file 11 is set so that the bottom left-hand corner will be illuminated.
The program then calls a sub-routine called ShiftUp that firstly calls Scan sub-routine a number of times (the value loaded into file 0C), the rotates each of the files “LEFT.” This effectively moves the illuminated LEDs up the display.
The bottom LED of the next column is turned on and the display sub-routine executed. In this way the LEDs rise up the display.
When a LED reaches the top, it must be turned off (BCF) so that it does not appear at the bottom of the display (via the rotate instruction). This is done by the 4 BCF instructions.
The shiftUp sub-routine calls the Scan sub-routine and this performs two operations. Firstly it resets the 4017 shift register (actually a counter chip, but used as a shift device) and then moves the value in each file to the output port (port 6) and calls a delay routine so that the appropriate LEDs will be seen.
The sub-routine then clocks the 4017 so that the next sinking transistor will be activated and when the value in the next file is passed to the output port, the second row of LEDs are activated. This continues for the 5 columns and the micro returns to the ShiftUp sub-routine to repeat the sequence so that the whole screen appears to be lit at the same time.
After 20 hex passes of the Scan routine the micro turns on the next lowest bit in a column and repeats the sequence.

Experiment-21 for “5x7 Display” Project
;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
;SLASH animation

Start     ORG 0x00
          BSF 03,5    ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports
          MOVLW 00h   ;Put 00 into W
          MOVWF 05h   ;to make port 5 (port A) all output
          MOVWF 06h   ;and make port 6 (port B) all output
          BCF 03,5    ;Go to page0 for programming
          GOTO Main

Slash     BCF 03h,0   ;Clear the carry bit
          MOVLW 00h
          MOVWF 11h
          MOVWF 12h
          MOVWF 13h
          MOVWF 14h
          MOVWF 15h
          BSF 11h,0
          CALL ShiftUp
          BSF 12h,0
          CALL ShiftUp
          BSF 13h,0
          CALL ShiftUp
          BSF 14h,0
          CALL ShiftUp
          BSF 15h,0
          CALL ShiftUp
          CALL ShiftUp
          CALL ShiftUp
          BCF 11h,7
          CALL ShiftUp
          BCF 12h,7
          CALL ShiftUp
          BCF 13h,7
          CALL ShiftUp
          BCF 14h,7
          CALL ShiftUp

ShiftUp   MOVLW 20h
          MOVWF 0Ch
Shift1    DECFSZ 0Ch,1
          GOTO Shift2
          RLF 11h,1
          RLF 12h,1
          RLF 13h,1
          RLF 14h,1
          RLF 15h,1
Shift2    CALL Scan
          GOTO Shift1

Scan      BSF 05,1      ;Reset 4017
          BCF 05,1
          MOVF 11h,0    ;Move file 11 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 12h,0    ;Move file 12 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 13h,0    ;Move file 13 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 14h,0    ;Move file 14 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD
          MOVF 15h,0    ;Move file 15 into W
          MOVWF 06h
          CALL DelD

DelD      DECFSZ 1Bh,1
          GOTO DelD
          MOVLW 00h     ;Zero port B to prevent mirroring
          MOVWF 06
Clk       BSF 05,0      ;Clock the 4017
          BCF 05,0

Main      CALL Slash   ;Display Slash
          GOTO Main


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-21. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-21.hex



Here’s a 5-cell animation that uses sub-routines from experiment 18. It’s called SPLASH.

The first thing you have to do is work out how you are going to write the program. Look at the sequence of cells and see if a pattern is present where the LEDs can be “rotate” instruction. If this is not possible, you will have to work out the hex value of each LED and use our animation program from experiment 18. Try this program it is very effective!

Experiment-22 for “5x7 Display” Project ;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip

Start   ORG 0x00
        BSF 03,5      ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports
        MOVLW 00h     ;Put 00 into W
        MOVWF 05h     ;to make port 5 (port A) all output
        MOVWF 06h     ;and make port 6 (port B) all output
        BCF 03,5      ;Go to page0 for programming
        GOTO Main

Cell1   MOVLW 00h     ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h     ; files to produce the first cell
        MOVLW 00h     ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 08h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

 Cell2  MOVLW 00h      ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h       ; files to produce the second cell
        MOVLW 1Ch       ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 14h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 1Ch
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Cell3   MOVLW 3Eh       ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h       ; files to produce the third cell
        MOVLW 22h       ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 22h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 22h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 3Eh
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Cell4   MOVLW 41h       ;place the 5 values into the 5
        MOVWF 11h       ; files to produce the fourth cell
        MOVLW 41h       ; as shown above.
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 41h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 41h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 41h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Cell5   MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 11h       ;The fifth cell is blank
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 12h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 13h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 14h
        MOVLW 00h
        MOVWF 15h
        GOTO Scan

Scan    BSF 05,1        ;Reset 4017
        BCF 05,1
        MOVF 11h,0      ;Move file 11 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 12h,0      ;Move file 12 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 13h,0      ;Move file 13 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 14h,0      ;Move file 14 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD
        MOVF 15h,0      ;Move file 15 into W
        MOVWF 06h
        CALL DelD

DelD    DECFSZ 1Bh,1
        GOTO DelD
        MOVLW 00h       ;Zero port B to prevent mirroring
        MOVWF 06
Clk     BSF 05,0        ;Clock the 4017
        BCF 05,0

Main    MOVLW 50h       ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main1   CALL Cell1      ;Display Cell 1 for 1/2 sec
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main1
        MOVLW 10h       ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main2   CALL Cell2      ;Display Cell 2 for 100mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main2
        MOVLW 10h       ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main3   CALL Cell3      ;Display Cell 3 for 100mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main3
        MOVLW 10h       ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main4   CALL Cell4      ;Display Cell 4 for 100mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main4
        MOVLW 80h       ;Each 10h represents 100mS
        MOVWF 0Ch
Main5   CALL Cell5      ;Display Cell 5 for 800mS
        DECFSZ 0Ch
        GOTO Main5
        GOTO Main


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-22. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-22.hex


Go to the next page of experiments: 5x7 EXPERIMENTS: Page-9

Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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