Bee Counter
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
January 09, 2012
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The design for the project comes from a University research scientist. His requirement was to count the movement of a bee in a tube.

[Kits are available](mailto:colin@elechelp.com?Subject=Buying Bee Counter kit $20.00&Body=Please e-mail the cost of Bee Counter kit by air mail to my country:****___**** and send details of how I can pay for it. My name is:____) for this project from Talking Electronics for $20.00 plus postage.

Plus you will need:

  • 6pin to 5pin adapter @ $2.50

You will also need:

See more projects using micros:
Elektor,EPE,Silicon Chip

Here are the files you will need:

Two sets of Infrared photo-detectors were set up so movement from one end of the tube could be counted when the bee returns to the opposite end of the tube. It’s a simple flip-flop or toggle requirement.

BeeCounterTop 2
Bee Counter on experimenter board

Bee Counter on experimenter board

Bee Counter

Bee Counter

IR Receiver and IR LED (Transmitter)

IR Receiver and IR LED (Transmitter)


Set-up the two IR detectors and two IR LEDs (transmitters) so the circuit produces a low-pitched beep when the left detector is interrupted and a high-pitched beep when the right detector is interrupted.


The circuit is very simple. It is just 2 IR LEDs, two IR receivers a switch to listen to the count (low-tone beeps represent 10’s and high-pitched beeps represent 1’s) and a piezo diaphragm. All the work is done by the micro. It is powered by 4 AAA cells.


You can build the circuit on matrix board.
The kit of components comes with all the parts you need to get the project working, including a pre-programmed chip and the matrix board.
To modify the program you will need a PICkit-2 programmer and this comes with 2 CD’s containing all the software needed for In-Circuit Programming.
You will also need a lead (comes with PICkit-2) to connect the programmer to your lap top via the USB port and an adapter we call 6pin to 5 pin Adapter to connect the PICkit-2 to your project.


The kit comes with a pre-programmed PIC chip but if you want to program your own chip or modify the program, the .hex file is available as well as the assembly file, so you can see how the program has been written and view the comments for each line of code.
The PIC12F629 is one of the smallest micros in the range but you will be surprised how much can be achieved with such a tiny micro.
The program contains sub-routines to produce delays, sequences on the display and both read and write EEPROM; jobs that require accurate code - including a special sequence - called a handshaking sequence that prevents the EEPROM being written due to glitches.
Even a program as simple as this is not easy to put together and to assist in this area, we have provided a whole raft of support material.
Not only do we provide a number of programs with full documentation but our approach to programming is simple.
It involves a method of “copy and paste” whereby sub-routines are taken from previously written code and copied into your program. Any modifications are made in very small steps so that each can be tested before adding more code.
This is exactly how we produce a complex project. Each step is written and tested before adding the next step.
This saves a lot of frustration as it is very easy to add a line of code that is incorrect and get an unsuspected result.
If you follow our suggestions you will buy a programmer (“burner”) called a PICkit-2 if you are using a laptop. It is the cheapest and best on the market and comes with a USB cable and 2 CD’s containing the programs needed to “burn” the chip. If you are using a desk-top and/or tower with a serial port, you can use a cheaper programmer called MultiChip Programmer from Talking Electronics. You will also need NotePad2 to write your .asm program. This can be downloaded from Talking Electronics website. You will use BeeCounter.asm or BeeCounter-asm.txt as a basis and it is best to change only a few lines at a time to see what effect is created. You will also need a 6 pin to 5 pin connector that fits between the burner and the project. This is also available on Talking Electronics website.
As we said before, this project is for medium-to-advanced programmers as it is very compact and does not have in-circuit programming pins.
To be able to modify the chip you will need a programming socket and this can be obtained from one of our other projects that contains the 5 pins for in-circuit programming. Or you can build a programming socket by adding a socket to a surface-mount PC board and solder 5 pins to one edge and connect the socket to the pins.
You can then put the chip into the socket and program it.


There are a number of kits, programs and courses on the market that claim and suggest they teach PIC Programming.
Most of these modules and courses use a PIC microcontroller as the chip carrying out the processes, but the actual programming is done by a proprietary language invented by the designer of the course.
Although these courses are wonderful to get you into “Programming Microcontrollers” they do not use any of the terms or codes that apply to the PIC microcontroller family.
All our projects use the 33 instructions that come with the PIC Microcontroller and these are very easy to learn.
We use the full capability of the micro and our pre-programmed chip is less than the cost of doing it any other way.
In addition, anything designed via our method can be instantly transferred to a PIC die and mass produced. And we use all the input pins and all the memory of the chip. The other approaches use less than 25% of the capability of the memory and one of the pins is not available.
In fact it would be difficult to reproduce this project via any of the opposition methods. It would require a larger chip and more expense.
You can use our method or the opposition. Just be aware that the two are not interchangeable.
Ours is classified as the lowest “form” (level) of programming - commonly called machine code - invented in the early days of microprocessors - and now called mnemonic programming as each line of code is made up of letters of a set of words. The opposition uses a higher level language where one instruction can carry out an operation similar to a sub-routine.
But you have to learn the “higher level language” in order to create a program. And this requires a fair amount of skill and capability.
It sounds great and it is a good idea. But if you want to learn PIC programming, it does not assist you. It is “a step removed” from learning PIC language. The other disadvantage of the opposition is the “overhead.” The 1,000 spaces allocated for your program is filled with pre-written sub-routines. You may require only 10 of these sub-routines but ALL of them are loaded in the memory space. And they take up all the memory.
You have no room for your own program.
To get around this the opposition uses the 128 bytes in EEPROM to deliver instructions on how to apply the sub-routines. This provides about 30 powerful instructions using their language called BASIC (or a similar language).
It’s a bit like selling a diary filled with all the paragraphs you need to express yourself, and leaving a few blank pages at the back for you to write single lines such as: see page 24, paragraph 7, see page 63 paragraph 4, to create your diary entries.
It depends on how much you want to be in charge of writing a program. Using our method is like writing your own auto-biography. Using the opposition is like getting a “ghost writer.”
When using a higher level language to create a program, you have absolutely no idea how the code is generated for the micro.
In some of the developmental kits, the code is “locked away” and you are NEVER able to access it.
Everything runs smoothly until a fault appears. With our method you can see the code. With the other methods, you cannot see the code - it’s like doing key-hole surgery without the advantage of an illuminated endoscope to see what you are doing.
Everything has its place and our method of hand-assembly is only suitable for very small micros and you will eventually need to “learn a high level language.” The PIC12F629 has over 1,000 locations for code and this equates to more than 20 pages when printed, so this is about the limit to doing things by hand.
But our drive is to show how much can be done with the simplest devices on the market, at the lowest cost.
Anyone can show you high-technology at a high price but this is not where you start and this is not where you get enthusiasm.
We provide the things to get you started. That’s the difference.


The program starts in a loop to detect when the left IR detector is interrupted. It then goes to a second loop to detect when the right IR detector is interrupted. When an IR detector is interrupted, the output goes HIGH. The sensitivity can be adjusted by moving the IR LED closer to the receiver. A 10k pot is also included to adjust the sensitivity.
When the right IR detector is interrupted, a “count file” is incremented and a 10mS output is produced via a PNP transistor. A 100R on the output protects the transistor from any short-circuits.
A LED indicates the output has been sent.
The project keeps a tally of the number of “cycles” and this can be “read” by pressing the switch.
The count is recorded by listening to low-pitched beeps to represent 10’s and high-pitched beeps to represent 1’s.
Here are the files you will need:

;;**Bee Counter****.asm**
;Left IR detects then increments count on right-side detection
;   12F629.asm
;  8-1-2012

 list   p=12F629
    radix   dec
    include "p12f629.inc"

    errorlevel -302 ; Don't complain about BANK 1 registers

           & _WDT_OFF & _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT  ;Internal osc.

temp1     equ 20h   ;
temp2     equ 21h   ;
temp3     equ 22h   ;
units     equ   23h ;
tens      equ   24h ;
del_x     equ   28h
del_y     equ   29h
tempunits   equ 2Ah
temptens    equ 2Bh

status  equ 0x03
rp1 equ 0x06
rp0 equ 0x05
GPIO    equ     0x05

status      equ 03h
option_reg  equ 81h

    ; bits on GPIO

pin7    equ 0   ;GP0  left IR detector - input
pin6    equ 1   ;GP1  goes low to produce HIGH signal - output
pin5    equ 2   ;GP2  Sw input  sends count to beeper - input
pin4    equ 3   ;GP3  right IR detector - input
pin3    equ 4   ;GP4  beeper  - output
pin2    equ 5   ;GP5


rp0 equ 5   ;bit 5 of the status register

;Beginning of program
Start   org 0x00    ;reset vector address
    nop ;NOPs to get past reset vector address
    nop     ;set up to allow counting from external oscillator

SetUp   bsf status, rp0     ;Bank 1
        movlw   b'11001001' ;Set TRIS
    movwf   TRISIO
    bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0
    movlw   07h             ;Set up W to turn off Comparator ports
        movwf   CMCON           ;must be placed in bank 0
    clrf    GPIO        ;Clear GPIO of junk
    clrf    flags
    clrf    units           ;initialise count = 0
    clrf    tens        ;initialise count = 0
    goto    Main

;* Delays

_10mS   movlw   0Ah
    movwf   temp2
D_a nop
    decfsz  temp1,1
    goto    D_a
    decfsz temp2,1
    goto    D_a
    retlw   00

    ;Delay 0.25 sec

D_250mS movlw   01h
    movwf   temp3
DelX    decfsz  temp1,1
    goto    DelX
    decfsz  temp2,1
    goto    DelX
    decfsz  temp3,1
    goto    DelX
    retlw   00

;* Sub-routines     *

    ;output produces long beeps for tens
    ;and short beeps for units to signify count.

output  movf    units,0
    movwf   tempunits
    movf    tens,0
    movwf   temptens
    movf    temptens,1   ;check for zero
    btfsc   status,2    ;zero flag Will be set if file is zero
    goto    $+4
    call    tensbeep
    decfsz  temptens,1
    goto    $-2
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    movf    tempunits,1   ;check for zero
    btfsc   status,2    ;zero flag Will be set if file is zero
    retlw   00
    call    unitsbeep
    decfsz  tempunits,1
    goto    $-2
    retlw   00

    ;produces "beep" to indicate bee has moved and outputs to output.

    movlw   0ffh
    movwf   del_y
    movlw   .45
    movwf   del_x
    decfsz  del_x,1
    goto    $-2
    movlw   b'00010000'
    xorwf   gpio,1      ;toggle GP4
    decfsz  del_y,1
    goto    $-8
    call    D_250mS
    retlw   00

    ;short beep to indicate units

    movlw   80h
    movwf   del_y
    movlw   .45
    movwf   del_x
    decfsz  del_x,1
    goto    $-2
    movlw   b'00010000'
    xorwf   gpio,1      ;toggle GP4
    decfsz  del_y,1
    goto    $-8
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    retlw   00

    movlw   80h
    movwf   del_y
    movlw   .45
    movwf   del_x
    decfsz  del_x,1
    goto    $-2
    movlw   b'00010000'
    xorwf   gpio,1      ;toggle GP4
    decfsz  del_y,1
    goto    $-8
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    retlw   00

        ;long beep to indicate tens

    movlw   0ffh
    movwf   del_y
    movlw   0ffh
    movwf   del_x
    decfsz  del_x,1
    goto    $-2
    movlw   b'00010000'
    xorwf   gpio,1      ;toggle GP4
    decfsz  del_y,1
    goto    $-8
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    retlw   00

    movlw   0ffh
    movwf   del_y
    movlw   0ffh
    movwf   del_x
    decfsz  del_x,1
    goto    $-2
    movlw   b'00010000'
    xorwf   gpio,1      ;toggle GP4
    decfsz  del_y,1
    goto    $-8
    call    D_250mS
    call    D_250mS
    retlw   00

Up  incf    units,1
    movlw   0Ah     ;put 10 into w
    xorwf   units,0     ;compare units file with 10
    btfss   status,2    ;zero flag will be set if units is 10
    retlw   00
    clrf    units
    incf    tens,1
    movlw   0Ah     ;put 10 into w
    xorwf   tens,0      ;compare units file with 10
    btfss   status,2    ;zero flag will be set if tens is 10
    retlw   00
    clrf    tens
    retlw   00

;* Main                             *

Main    bsf status, rp0     ;Bank 1
        movlw   b'11101101' ;switch and IR receivers GP0 GP2 GP3
    movwf   TRISIO
    bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0
    bsf     GPIO,1      ;turn off output LED

    call    D_250mS
    btfss   GPIO,2          ;input will be LOW when sw pressed
    call    output
    btfss   GPIO,0          ;input will be HIGH when bee detected
    goto    $-5         ;Left IR not detecting
    call    leftbeep
    call    D_250mS
    btfss   GPIO,2          ;input will be LOW when sw pressed
    call    output
    btfss   GPIO,3          ;input will be HIGH when bee detected
    goto    $-5         ;right IR not detecting
    call    Up      ;increment count
    call    rightbeep
    bcf     gpio,1
    call    _10mS
    bsf     gpio,1
    goto    $-18


Bee Counter Parts List

Cost: au$20.00 plus postage
[Kits are available](mailto:colin@elechelp.com?Subject=Buying Bee Counter kit $20.00&Body=Please e-mail the cost of Bee Counter kit by air mail to my country:****___**** and send details of how I can pay for it. My name is:____)

  • 2 - 100R SM resistors
  • 2 - 330R SM resistors
  • 2 - 1k SM resistors
  • 3 - 2k2 SM resistors
  • 2 - 4k7 SM resistors
  • 1 - 10k SM resistor
  • 2 - 10k mini trim pots
  • 1 - 100n SM capacitor
  • 2 - 1u SM electrolytics
  • 2 - 10u SM electrolytics
  • 1 - BC847 SM transistor
  • 1 - BC857 SM transistor
  • 1 - 1N4004 SM diode
  • 2 - IR LEDs (supplied in kit)
  • 2 - IR transistors (supplied in kit)
  • 1 - 3mm red LED
  • 1 - SPDT mini slide switch
  • 1 - mini tactile switch
  • 1 - 8 pin IC socket
  • 1 - PIC12F629 chip (Bee routine)
  • 1 - piezo diaphragm
  • 1 - 10mH choke
  • 5 - machine pins for in-circuit-programming
  • 1 - 4 AAA cell battery holder
  • 1 - 30cm fine enamelled wire
  • 1 - 3m fine screened lead
  • 1 - 20cm very fine solder
  • 1 - Experimenter PC board

Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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