<!-- TODO FIXME: convert this page, fix javascript. --> <html> <head> <title>Component Memory Test</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin N = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1 M = navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1 Vis = new Array() Vis[0] = M ? 'hidden' : 'hide' Vis[1] = M ? 'visible' : 'show' function GetDiv(divId, divY, divX, divW, divH, bCol, visb, zInd) { bkCol = bCol != '' ? (N ? ' bgColor=' + bCol : ';background:' + bCol) : '' DivTyp = M ? '<DIV' : '<LAYER' if (M) { Styl = ' ID=' + divId + " style='position:absolute;top:" + divY + ';left:' + divX + ';width:' + divW + ';height:' + divH + bkCol + ';visibility:' + Vis[visb] + ';z-index:' + zInd + "'>" } if (N) { Styl = ' ID=' + divId + ' top=' + divY + ' left=' + divX + ' width=' + divW + ' height=' + divH + bkCol + ' visibility=' + Vis[visb] + ' z-index=' + zInd + '>' } document.writeln(DivTyp + Styl) } function EndDiv() { M ? document.writeln('</DIV>') : document.writeln('</LAYER>') } // End --> </script> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin corr = new Array() gnum = 0 score = 0 ind = 0 for (rows = 0; rows < 4; rows++) { for (cols = 0; cols < 5; cols++) { ind++ corr[ind] = 0 eval( "GetDiv('d" + ind + "'," + rows * 55 + ',' + cols * 64 + ",55,55,'',1,0)" ) document.write( '<img src=CctB', ind, '.gif width=64 height=55 border=0>' ) EndDiv() eval( "GetDiv('dvTop" + ind + "'," + rows * 55 + ',' + cols * 64 + ",64,64,'',0,1)" ) document.write( "<a href='javascript:TestMe(", ind, ")'><img name = Pix", ind, ' src=CctB-Cover.gif width=64 height=55 border=1></a>' ) EndDiv() } } GetDiv('Card1', 330, 20, 250, 15, 'silver', 1, 0) document.write( "<p align=center><font face=Arial color=#FF0000 size=2>Study the components above then <a href='javascript:StartTest()'>Click</a>.</center>" ) EndDiv() GetDiv('Card2', 330, 10, 270, 15, 'silver', 0, 1) document.write('<p align=center>Uncover the matching component') EndDiv() GetDiv('TestPix', 245, 100, 64, 80, '', 1, 1) document.write('<img src=CctB-Cover.gif name=Try width=64 height=55') EndDiv() function StartTest() { if (M) { eval("document.all.Card2.style.visibility = 'visible'") } if (N) { eval("document.layers.Card2.visibility = 'show'") } for (x = 1; x < 21; x++) { if (corr[x] == 0) { if (M) { eval('document.all.dvTop' + x + ".style.visibility = 'visible'") } if (N) { eval('document.layers.dvTop' + x + ".visibility = 'show'") } } } PickRandom() document.Try.src = 'CctB' + picked + '.gif' } function PickRandom() { chk = 0 while (chk == 0) { picked = 1 + Math.floor(20 * Math.random()) if (corr[picked] == 0) { chk = 1 break } } } function TestMe(x) { gnum++ if (x == picked) { score++ corr[x] = 1 } if (M) { eval('document.all.dvTop' + x + ".style.visibility = 'hidden'") } if (N) { eval('document.layers.dvTop' + x + ".visibility = 'hide'") } if (gnum > 19) { alert('Test over! Score = ' + score) for (x = 1; x < 21; x++) { corr[x] = 0 } if (score == 20) alert('All correct!') gnum = 0 score = 0 } setTimeout('StartTest()', 1000) } // End --> </script> </body> </html>
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