There are a number ways to use this library.
- You can look up a symbol and click on in each frame to get more
- You can use it as an electronics text book. Start at the first symbol and work your way through.
- You can use it as a back-up. Go to BEC Theory. In this course you start with the Light emitting Diode (LED). This is a very good starting-point (using a common component without the boredom of dreary basics). The LED is one of the most useful components in electronics and it needs skill to drive it correctly. As you learn about its operation, you are introduced to lots of other components and that’s how you are brought into the world of electronics. Look up the components in the Library as you come across them, and everything will come together.
It represents one of the natural ways to learning electronics. When you are reading a book, magazine or circuit diagram and you come across a symbol that you do not understand, where do you go?
This is “crunch” time. If you don’t understand a component, the whole operation of the project may be lost. That’s why we have made the Library so complete. The Circuit Symbols Library is the hub of learning.
Talking Electronics has the key to learning electronics and programming microcontrollers.