Here are three disassemblers for PIC Chips.
- Create a folder name it Disassembler:
- Download file and place it in Disassembler folder.
- Unzip the file.
- Click on Mikado3.3.3e.exe and “send to desktop” (create a shortcut).
- Rename the desktop icon “Disassembler”
- Place the .hex file you wish to disassemble in the Disassembler folder.
- Click on the “Disassembler” icon on your desktop.
- The disassembler program will load
- Select and click on: HEX File to ASM file for MPASM
- Click on OPEN for the location of your .hex file and insert the address.
- Click on OPEN for the Include File and load P12F629.INC
- Select AUTO
- Select NEXT
- Select CLOSE
- The result of the disassembly will be placed in the Disassembler folder.
- Use NotePad or Word to open the file.
Download: Disassembler
It is: This file will unzip to DISASM.EXE
You also need the following two files:
Place them all in the same folder and click on DISASM.EXE
Load the .hex file you want converted to .asm and the result will appear in the window.
Save the file as “-2.asm” and it will be saved in the same folder.