<!-- Begin var ans = new Array; var done = new Array; var score = 0; ans\[1\] = "MOVF 1A,0"; ans\[2\] = "MOVLW 6Dh"; ans\[3\] = "MOVWF 1Bh"; ans\[4\] = "MOVF 1Bh,0"; ans\[5\] = "CLRF 1Bh"; ans\[6\] = "no instruction exists"; ans\[7\] = "DECF 1A,1"; ans\[8\] = "1010 1010"; ans\[9\] = "a"; ans\[10\] = "None of the above"; ans\[11\] = "BSF 06,1"; ans\[12\] = "0010 1100"; ans\[13\] = "c"; ans\[14\] = "FF"; ans\[15\] = "b"; ans\[16\] = "0000 1000"; ans\[17\] = "b"; ans\[18\] = "0000 1000"; ans\[19\] = "BSF 06,5"; ans\[20\] = "1010 0000"; ans\[21\] = "03,2"; ans\[22\] = "20h"; ans\[23\] = "00"; ans\[24\] = "0000 0000"; ans\[25\] = "1011 1111"; function Try(question, answer) { if (answer != ans\[question\]) { if (!done\[question\]) { done\[question\] = -1; window1=window.open("", "NewWindow1", "toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,top=475,left=25,width=320,height=20"); window1.document.writeln("<title>Answers to: 25 QUESTIONS . . . . </title>"); window1.document.writeln("<font face=Arial size=2 color=#FF00cc><center>Wrong!\\n\\nYour score is now: " + score + "<font face=Arial size=2 color=#cc0000><center>The correct answer is: <font face=Arial size=2 color=#000000>" + ans\[question\]); } else { alert("You have already answered that question"); } } else { if (!done\[question\]) { done\[question\] = -1; score++; alert("Correct!\\n\\nYour score is now: " + score); } else { alert("You have already answered that question"); } } } function Assessment () { if (score >= 25) { alert("Perfect Score!"); } if (score >= 20 && score <= 29) { alert("Excellent Work - but not Perfect!") } if (score >= 0 && score <= 19) { alert("You need to do the BASIC ELECTRONICS COURSE. \\nYou will be amazed at how much you will learn.") } } // End -->
Answer the following questions … JavaScript is required!
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Do you realise, the best way to learn about a topic is with questions?
Even if you know nothing about a topic, a list of questions can be asked. Even if you get 15% correct, this is your starting point. Every time you attempt the questions, your score will rise. After 5 attempts, your result will be as high as 95%.
This is better than any textbook as the retention will be maintained for a longer period of time and your overall score will be higher.
1. Write the instruction to copy the contents of file 1A to W:
2. Write the instruction to put 6Dh into W:
3. Write the instruction to move 6Dh from W to file 1B:
4. Write the instruction to copy 6Dh from file 1B to W:
5. Write the instruction to clear the value 6Dh in file 1B:
6. Write the instruction to move 6Dh from file 1A to file 1B:
7. Write the instruction to decrement file 1A:
8. After the instruction: BCF 06,4 the file will contain:
9. What is the difference between:
BSF 1B,3
10. The TRIS file is loaded with 0011 1011. Name the output line(s) created by this value.
11. A LED is connected to the 2nd lowest output. Write the instruction to activate the LED:
12. File 1B holds the value 0000 1100. After the following instruction: BSF 1B,5 the file will contain:
13. Write the instructions to make bit 4 of TRIS 06 an INPUT:
14. For any file, what is the maximum hex value it can store?
15. Write the instructions to make bit 3 of the input/output file HIGH:
16. What value will be contained in file 1B after the instruction: BSF 1B,3:
17. Write the two instructions to carry out the following: Put 5E into file 1C
18. A file containing 0000 1001 is ANDed with 1100 1010. The result is:
19. Write the “bit set file” instruction for bit 5 of file 06:
20. A file containing 0110 1001 is XORed with 1100 1001. The result is:
21. The zero bit in the Status file is:
22. Name the file after 1F:
23. A file contains FF. After an increment operation, it will contain:
24. The result of BCF 1B,3 is:
25. Write the value needed to make RA1, RA3 and RA5 inputs:
These are the types of questions you should be able to answer fairly quickly, if you want to design and build microcontroller projects. If you get less than 20, now’s the time to do the PIC Programming Course. Try the test again after the course, I’m sure you will “fly” through the answers and be amazed at how much you have learnt.
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