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Let’s look at a few absurdities.
There’s an old saying:
“Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.”
This is so true when it comes to Government spiel.
We are constantly bombarded with the threat of debt overtaking a country and crippling the economy.
Every country owes billions of dollars.
To whom?
Every state owes billions of dollars.
There is more money being handed out in welfare payments than coming in as taxes.
You only need to site 3 examples:
A teacher may work for 20 years then retire on benefits for 20 years.
The same with police, fire, emergency workers and more.
The retirement costs are greater than the working costs.
Then there are the sick, crippled, deaf, blind, trauma, aged, war veterans and the list goes on.
It takes the tax of 3 workers to provide the payment of one pension.
Then we have the government workers: Police, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Road crews, Army, Navy, Air-force, Politicians, Administrative and the list goes on.
And the enormous costs of running the schools, Police, hospitals, Safety, security, defence.
And the costs of supplying and maintaining aircraft, jails, hospitals, schools, and the list goes on.
There are not enough workers to provide even a fraction of the running expenses for this gigantic requirement.
To pretend that taxes are paying even a fraction of the costs is simply untrue.
It is getting to the depressing state that schools are being shut-down and jails being built to try and solve the problem of violence.
The shoe is on the wrong foot.
Instead of attacking the root-cause of the problem, the government is putting a band-aid on the outcome and trying the “swat the flies” after they have hatched.
Rather than providing a quality education at a reasonable cost, tuition-fees are climbing beyond the reach of the average person and jobs are being shipped off overseas, so the possibility of entering the workforce with a qualification is virtually nil and a future doesn’t exist.
It’s no wonder the population is in turmoil and the only solution is to lock up the offenders and incur costs 5 times more than providing an education ion the first place.
With the money left over from the jail, they could provide assistance to local business and industry to employ everyone, before the frustration sets-in.
But, as you can see, “doing the right thing” is not benefiting the Lawyers, Solicitors, Police or Judges. They will be out of a job.
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