5x7 Display
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
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This is the Test Routine that comes with the PIC16F84 chip when supplied with the 5x7 Display kit.
Simply fit the chip to the completed project and switch on. The LEDs will illuminate individually, starting from the bottom left-hand LED and moving up the column. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th columns are also be tested in the same way.
The second test is a brightness test. All the LEDs come on at the same time in a scan routine, and any LEDs that appear dull should be replaced.

The third test is a Sound Test. It tests the piezo diaphragm with a set of notes.
Once you are satisfied with the performance of the project, the chip can be re-programmed with the experiments contained in the project. You will lose the Test Routine but if you want to run the Test Routine at a later date, it can be “re-burnt” into the chip by referring to the Test Routine on the disc.
The only feature we have not tested is the “burning” or “programming” capability of your project. This is the biggest test of all and the only way to test this feature is to “burn” or “download” the first experiment. The 5x7 Video Screen project has been tested on a number of different computers and the circuit is capable of accepting a wide range of voltages. The two indicator LEDs on the project will show if 5v is present via the 6v battery and the presence of 13v during programming.
Test Routine for 5x7 Display
;Program for PIC16F84 and only F84 chip;
Test Routine supplied with PIC chip

  Start ORG 0x00   ;Start the micro at address 00
  BSF 03,5   ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports
  MOVLW 00h   ;Put 00 into W
  MOVWF 05h   ;Make all RA lines output
  MOVWF 06h   ;Make all RB lines output
  BCF 03,5   ;Go to Page0 for programming
  MOVLW 02h   ;Put 02 into W to
  MOVWF 05h   ; Reset the 4017
  MOVLW 00h   ;Put 00 into W so that 4017
  MOVWF 05h   ; can be clocked
  MOVLW 05
  MOVWF 1Eh   ;counter for shifts across the screen

 ;Turn on one LED at a time

 Up   BCF 03h,0    ;clear the carry flag
  MOVLW 01h   ;Turn on the bottom LED
  MOVWF 06h   ; and output a HIGH
  CALL Delay
Up1  RLF 06h,1  ;Shift the HIGH up the column
  CALL Delay
  BTFSS 06h,6   ;Has it reached the top?
  GOTO Up1    ;NO.
  BSF 05,0   ;Clock the 4017
  BCF 05,0
  DECFSZ 1Eh,1  ;Decrement the count file

    ;Turn on FULL screen

 Full  MOVLW 05
  MOVWF 1Eh   ;counter for shifts across the screen
FullA  MOVLW 7Fh   ;Illuminate all LEDs
  MOVWF 06    ;Output to screen
  DECFSZ 1Dh,1  ;Short delay to see LEDs
  BSF 05,0   ;Clock the 4017
  BCF 05,0
  DECFSZ 1Eh,1   ;Decrement the count file
  GOTO FullA
  DECFSZ 1Ah,1   ;256 loops to see screen
  GOTO Full

   ;Spiraling tone from piezo

 Piezo  MOVLW 060h   ;This is also the number of steps
       MOVWF 10h   ;Stores ON-TIME for piezo
    MOVWF 11h   ;Stores OFF-TIME for piezo
 Piezo1 MOVF 10h,0   ;Copy file 10h to W
   MOVWF 12h   ;Move 10h to 12h for decrementing
     MOVF 11h,0   ;Copy file 11h to W
     MOVWF 13h   ;Move 11h to 13h for decrementing
  BSF 06,7   ;Turn on piezo line
 On   NOP
     DECFSZ 12h,1   ;Decrement the ON-time
   GOTO On
   BCF 06,7   ;Turn off piezo line
 Off   NOP
   DECFSZ 13h,1
    GOTO Off
     DECFSZ 14h,1
    GOTO Piezo1   ;256 loops for each HIGH/LOW
      DECF 10h,1   ;Make tone higher pitch
     DECFSZ 11h,1   ;Make tone higher pitch
     GOTO Piezo1
     GOTO Start

 Delay  MOVLW 01
    MOVWF 1Ah
 Delay1  DECFSZ 1Bh,1
   GOTO Delay1
   DECFSZ 1Ch,1
   GOTO Delay1
   DECFSZ 1Ah,1
     GOTO Delay1


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for TstRout. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: TstRout.hex


More Testing of the project can be found at:

  • Testing Page 1
  • Testing Page 2
  • Testing Page 3

The first experiment can be found at: 5x7 EXPERIMENTS: Page-1.

Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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