REMINDER: These are the items you need for these experiments:
This experiment takes the program from experiment 9 and adds a button feature. Button A starts and stops the action. For this to be possible the button routine must be in a part of the program that is constantly being accessed. The routines are “Delay” for forward/back motion and “Scan” for up/down motion. A CALL routine must be placed in each routine to check the state of buttonA. The column LEDs will freeze but the row of LEDs will go out when the buttons is pressed because the rows are scanned to produce the effect of them being on at the same time.
Note the instructions to make button A (line RA2) an input.
Experiment-10 for “5x7 Display” Project
;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
;“Button A” starts/stops action.
Start ORG 0x00 BSF 03,5 Go to page1 for setting-up the ports MOVLW 04h Put 04 into W MOVWF 05h to make RA2 input MOVLW 00h Put 00 into W MOVWF 06h to make all RB lines output BCF 03,5 Go to Page0 for programming GOTO Main Back BSF 05h,1 BCF 05h,1 ;Reset 4017 and allow 4017 to clock MOVLW 00h MOVWF 06h ;Turn off LEDs to prevent "streaking" MOVF 19h,0 ;Copy 19h into W MOVWF 18h ;Copy W into file 18h Back1 CALL Clock DECFSZ 18h, GOTO Back1 MOVLW 7Fh MOVWF 06h ;Turn on all 7 LEDs CALL Delay RETURN ButtonA BTFSC 05,2 RETURN ;Button A pushed GOTO ButtonA Clock BCF 05,0 ;Clock the 4017 NOP BSF 05,0 RETURN Delay MOVLW 03 MOVWF 1Ah Delay1 DECFSZ 1Bh,1 GOTO Delay1 DECFSZ 1Ch,1 GOTO Delay1 CALL ButtonA DECFSZ 1Ah,1 GOTO Delay1 RETURN Scan MOVLW 080h ;Determines the number of scans before MOVWF 1Ch ;incrementing routine Scan1 BSF 05h,1 ;Reset 4017 BCF 05h,1 ;allow 4017 to clock via clock line MOVLW 05h MOVWF 19h ;File 19h counts the number of columns Scan2 CALL Short BCF 05,0 ;Clock the 4017 BSF 05,0 DECFSZ 19h,1 GOTO Scan2 CALL ButtonA DECFSZ 1Ch,1 GOTO Scan1 RETURN ;Short Delay Short DECFSZ 1Bh,1 GOTO Short RETURN ;Moves a colum of LEDs across the screen and back, ;then up and down the screen Main MOVLW 05 MOVWF 19h ;Put 5 in the Count file for 5 columns BSF 05h,1 ;Reset 4017 BCF 05h,1 ;allow 4017 to clock via clock line Main1 MOVLW 7F MOVWF 06h ;Turn on 7 outputs for LEDs CALL Delay MOVLW 00 ;Turn off LEDs to prevent mirroring MOVWF 06h CALL Clock ;Clock the 4017 DECFSZ 19h,1 ;Decrement the count file GOTO Main1 MOVLW 03h MOVWF 19h ;3 shifts - yes 3 shifts! Main2 CALL Back DECFSZ 19h,1 GOTO Main2 BSF 05h,1 BCF 05h,1 ;Reset 4017 CALL Delay ;This illuminates the first row! MOVLW 01 MOVWF 06h ;Turn on first LED BCF 03h,0 ;clear the carry flag Main3 CALL Scan RLF 06,1 BTFSS 06,7 ;When 8th! output is HIGH, program repeats GOTO Main3 MOVLW 20h MOVWF 06h Main4 CALL Scan RRF 06,1 BTFSS 06,0 GOTO Main4 CALL Scan ;This illuminates bottom row! GOTO Main END
The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-10. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-10.hex
:10000000831604308500003086008312372885145B :10001000851000308600190898001720980B0D28CD :100020007F3086001B2008000519080014280510E1 :1000300000000514080003309A009B0B1D289C0B40 :100040001D2814209A0B1D28080080309C00851460 :10005000851005309900342005100514990B2B28C4 :1000600014209C0B272808009B0B3428080005301F :100070009900851485107F3086001B200030860093 :100080001720990B3B28033099000720990B45282E :10009000851485101B200130860003102520860D55 :1000A000861F4E28203086002520860C061C5428EA :0400B00025203728A8 :00000001FF
This experiment demonstrates the type of display in a lift. It’s a matrix of LEDs and the floor-numbers move up and down according to the movement of the lift. The input to our project is button A and B. Press button A and the display glides UP, such as from the ground floor to the first floor. Press button B and the display moves from the first floor to the Ground floor. The animation below shows the first three numbers of the display in action. The project contains the complete numbers G to 9 as shown in the table below. You can also introduce T for Terrace, M for Mezzanine, C for Car park, B for basement etc. The numbers are held in a table with 9 at the top and G at the bottom. In the program a pointer will “slice off” one row of a number and add it to the top or bottom of the “Ghost area” after the data in this area has been shifted one place up or down. This Ghost area then gets copied onto the Video Screen and the effect is the number has risen or fallen one pixel.
This two-step jump from the table to the Ghost area to the Screen may sound complex but it makes fairly easy programming.
We have already produced the routine for taking the data from the Ghost ara and displaying it on the Screen, in the Testing pages, Page2. All we have to do is create a routine to take the information from the table and place it onto the Ghost area.
The program will start by displaying “G” and the UP button (button B) will cause the screen to slide from G to 1.
The digits do not have to be put in a table in descending order. We have done this to make it easier to understand how the program works.
The most complex part of the routine is keeping track of the numbers on the display. The fact that we have an up button and a down button adds to the complexity because the numbers are fed into the top of the display for the UP button and into the bottom of the display for the down button. We have provided a very clever method of keeping track of the positions. File 17h keeps track for button A and file 19h keeps track for button B. They are kept 8 units apart at the beginning of the program and kept apart throughout the program by incrementing and decrementing both at the same time.
Experiment-11 for “5x7 Display” Project
;PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
Start ORG 0x00 BSF 03,5 ;Go to page1 for setting-up the ports MOVLW 0Ch ;Put 0C into W MOVWF 05h ; to make RA2 & RA3 input MOVLW 00h ;Put 00 into W MOVWF 06h ;to make all RB lines output BCF 03,5 ;Go to Page0 for programming GOTO Main Table1 ADDWF 02h,1 ;Add W to Program Counter RETLW 00h RETLW 0Eh ;9 RETLW 11h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Fh RETLW 01h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 00h ;8 RETLW 0Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 00h RETLW 1Fh ;7 RETLW 01h RETLW 02h RETLW 04h RETLW 08h RETLW 08h RETLW 08h RETLW 00h ;6 RETLW 0Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 10h RETLW 1Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 00h ;5 RETLW 1Fh RETLW 10h RETLW 10h RETLW 1Eh RETLW 01h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 00h ;4 RETLW 02h RETLW 06h RETLW 0Ah RETLW 12h RETLW 1Fh RETLW 02h RETLW 02h RETLW 00h ;3 RETLW 0Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 01h RETLW 06h RETLW 01h RETLW 11h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 00h ;2 RETLW 0Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 01h RETLW 0Eh RETLW 10h RETLW 10h RETLW 1Fh RETLW 00h ;1 RETLW 04h RETLW 0Ch RETLW 14h RETLW 04h RETLW 04h RETLW 04h RETLW 04h RETLW 00h ;G RETLW 0Eh RETLW 11h RETLW 10h RETLW 17h RETLW 11h RETLW 11h RETLW 00h RETLW 00h ;Ghost routine transfers data from the ; Ghost files to the Video Screen ; and scans the Video Screen ONCE Ghost BSF 05,1 ;Reset 4017 NOP BCF 05,1 MOVF 11h,0 ;Move the data from the MOVWF 06h ; Ghost files to CALL DelA ;the output port MOVF 12h,0 ;and call a Delay so the MOVWF 06h ;LED can be illuminated CALL DelA MOVF 13h,0 MOVWF 06h CALL DelA MOVF 14h,0 MOVWF 06h CALL DelA MOVF 15h,0 MOVWF 06h CALL DelA RETURN DelA DECFSZ 1Bh,1 GOTO DelA MOVLW 00h MOVWF 06 Clk BCF 05,0 ;Clock the 4017 to the NOP ;next output BSF 05,0 RETURN ;FillTop moves the 5 Ghost locations down one bit ; and fills the top row with new data. ;File 16h contains the new data for the 5 locations FillTop RRF 11h,1 ;Move each bit down the file RRF 12h,1 ; to make room at the top RRF 13h,1 RRF 14h,1 RRf 15h,1 BCF 11h,6 ;Clear bit 6 in each file = 7th row of LEDs BCF 12h,6 ; on the Video Screen. BCF 13h,6 BCF 14h,6 BCF 15h,6 BTFSS 16h,4 ;See if bit4 (the 5th bit) is 0 or 1 GOTO L ;If it's 0, go to the next test BSF 11h,6 ;If it's 1, set bit 6 of the Ghost file L BTFSS 16h,3 GOTO M BSF 12h,6 M BTFSS 16h,2 ;File 16h was generated by adding the value of GOTO N ;of each pixel in the row of each number BSF 13h,6 ;see Table1 and diagram 1 for details. N BTFSS 16h,1 GOTO O BSF 14h,6 O BTFSS 16h,0 RETURN BSF 15h,6 RETURN FilBott RLF 11h,1 ;Same principle as above, but this time RLF 12h,1 ;the bits in the file are moved up to RLF 13h,1 ;leave a gap at the bottom. RLF 14h,1 RLF 15h,1 BCF 11h,0 ;Clear the lowest bit of each Ghost file BCF 12h,0 BCF 13h,0 BCF 14h,0 BCF 15h,0 BTFSS 16h,4 GOTO P BSF 11h,0 P BTFSS 16h,3 GOTO Q BSF 12h,0 Q BTFSS 16h,2 GOTO R BSF 13h,0 R BTFSS 16h,1 GOTO S BSF 14h,0 S BTFSS 16h,0 RETURN BSF 15h,0 RETURN ;FilGho fills the Ghost area with 7 rows of "G" data ;from Table1 FilGho MOVLW 08 MOVWF 1A ;1A is count file for 7 cycles of "FilGho" MOVLW 58h MOVWF 19h ;File19h is button B pointer for Table1 MOVLW 50h ;Jump down table1 50h locations MOVWF 17h ;file17h is button A pointer for Table1 FilGho1 CALL Table1 MOVWF 16h CALL FillTop DECF 17h,1 ;File 17h is the table pointer for button A DECF 19h,1 ;File 19h is the table pointer for button B MOVF 17h,0 ;Put pointer into W DECFSZ 1A,1 GOTO FilGho1 RETURN ;MAIN ROUTINE Main CALL FilGho ;Put "G" on screen CALL Ghost ;Display whatever is in Ghost files BTFSC 05h,2 ;Test for button A GOTO Main2 ;Pushed GOTO Main Main2 MOVLW 08 MOVWF 1A Main3 MOVLW 20h MOVWF 18h ;File 18h holds number of scans before adding next row Main4 CALL Ghost DECFSZ 18h,1 GOTO Main4 MOVF 17h,0 ;Put table1 pointer into W CALL Table1 MOVWF 16h CALL FillTop DECF 17h,1 DECF 19h,1 ;19h is pointer for button B DECFSZ 1A,1 GOTO Main3 Main5 CALL Ghost ;Display whatever is in Ghost files BTFSC 05h,2 ;Test for button A GOTO MainA ;Button A Pushed BTFSC 05h,3 ;Test for Button B GOTO MainB ;Button B pushed GOTO Main5 MainA MOVF 17h,0 ;Copy 17h into W XORLW 00h BTFSC 03,2 ;Button A not to work. On floor 9! GOTO Main5 GOTO Main2 MainB MOVF 19h,0 ;Copy 19h into W XORLW 50h BTFSC 03,2 ;Button B not to work. On G floor! GOTO Main5 Main6 MOVLW 08 MOVWF 1Ah Main7 MOVLW 20h MOVWF 18h ;File 18h holds the number of scans before adding next row Main8 CALL Ghost DECFSZ 18h,1 GOTO Main8 MOVF 19h,0 ;Put table1 pointer into W CALL Table1 MOVWF 16h CALL FilBott INCF 17h,1 INCF 19h,1 ;19h is pointer for button B DECFSZ 1A,1 GOTO Main7 GOTO Main5 END
The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Experiment-11. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Expt-11.hex
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