Introduction PROJECTS etc etc:
“0” & “X’s” game Tic Tac Toe
1amp Power Supply MkII 0v to 12v 0 - 1amp (adjustable)
4 Digit Counter - $25.00 !!
5 Projects on a PC board
18 LED Display-2
37 Sensors - test them
555 PC Board for any circuit
All About Circuits (more theory for Beginners)
All our KITS (with photos)
Amplifier mini bench
Amplifiers - transistor
Arc Welder (model railways)
Audio Amplifier (mini)
Automatic Shuttle (model railways)
Micro Bug Tracker - micro
Bench Amplifier mini
Breakdown Beacon $5.50
Bug Detector (mini)
Cable Tracer (see also Mains Tracer)
Capacitor - How it works …
also for Motorbikes 0-6 gears
CDU -1,000u - slim
CDU-18,000u - flat version
CDU-18,000u - slimline version
CDU with SPDT Switch (see 75 Model Railway Projects for all CDU’s)
Complete INDEX
Continuity Tester $2.50
Crystal Set - The
Crossing Lights - Jim’s MkIV
Data Book 1 Data Books
Dice - LED Dice
Dice - PIC Dice
Diode - How A Diode Works
Disassembler for PIC Chips
Do It NOW - decision maker
Download (files)
Earwig - FM Tx
eBooks (to download) electronics forum
Electrician - Become an
FM Bug - Silverfish
FM Bug - transmitter
FM Bugs - 20 Bugs
FM Bug - Slug Tuned $8.00
Happy Birthday - tune
H-Bridge The
Hearing Aid - circuits 2&3
Ink Cartridges - filling
Inductor - The
Instructables - 1,000 kits
Instructions for PIC chips
Integrated Circuits data
Intro to FM bugs
It’s A Small World - tune
Jim’s Crossing Lights - MkIV
Joule Thief KIT
KITS (with photos)
LED FX - uses a PIC12F628
Lego Chaser - uses a PIC12F629
Library of routines for PIC12F629
Logic Probe $9.00 slimline
Log In - subscribers
Mains Tracer - with Probe (see also cable tracer)
Make Magazine
Metal Detector - Nail Finder
Mini Tracker and see micro
Electronics for Model Railways 1&2:
Model Railway Point Controller
Multimeter - using the
Nim - Computer Game
NiMH Cells - charging
Nitinol (muscle wire)
OP-AMP (pdf)
PIC Course
PIC Fx - learn to program PIC chips
PIC Instructions for chips
List of PIC Projects:
Counter - 4 Digit - $25.00 !!
Do It NOW - decision maker
Nim - Computer Game
PIC-2 USB Burner (USB)
PIC Programmer (serial port)
PIC Programmer MkV- 12parts (serial)
Space Gun alarm
Super Probe MkII 19 functions
4 Digit Counter - $25.00 !!
PIC Programmer MkV -12parts
Point Controllers for Model Railway
Point Controller - Motor/Gearbox
PointController555 - Servo
Power Supply - cheap
Power Supply The
Power Supply MkII 0v to 12v, 0 - 1amp (adjustable)
Programmer for PIC12F629 Programming Files
Railway Projects (see Electronics for Model Railways)
R/C Model Tracker (track your model aircraft)
Reading - Speed Reading
Remote Control - 4 Channel
Routines for PIC12F629
See a lot of new Model Railway projects in: 75 Model Railway Projects
Servo Speed - animate things
Shuttle - automatic (model railways)
Signals (train signals)
Silverfish - FM Bug
Solder - how to
Spy Bugs - 20 Bugs
Stroop Game - game of skill
Sub-routines for:
Super Probe MkII 19 functions
Symbols (components)
Talking Electronics Magazines: List of all Projects
Text Books
Timer - Handy Timer
Timer - Long Duration
To-Fro (for model railways) (automatic train reverser) (automatic Shuttle)
Tracking Transmitter - mico
Transistor Tester $4.00
Ultima - 1k FM Bug
UJT - The
Interview #2 #3 #4 #5
Videos - by Dave L Jones
Video - latest Videos
Warning Lamp $5.50
Xenon-9 Speed Controller
Zener Diode - see diode
Quick Links
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